Marketing Strategy Challenge

Communicating Sea Level Rise Risks to At-Risk Populations 





The coastal communities in Southern Maryland are facing a significant threat from sea level rise. The region is at risk of increased flooding and erosion due to rising sea levels, which can have devastating consequences for the community's homes, infrastructure, and overall well-being.  Some at-risk communities may have fewer resources to adapt to the changes and may not have the same access to information and decision-making processes. It is important to address this issue in a way that is inclusive and equitable, ensuring that all residents have access to the resources and information they need to adapt to the changes.  



Challenge Overview 


Objective: To create effective marketing and community outreach strategies that increase communication and understanding of government resources available to residents of communities in Southern Maryland, including those in Charles County and surrounding regions.
These communities are facing similar challenges related to flooding and erosion, and many have similar demographics and socioeconomic characteristics. The goal is to create strategies that can be replicated in other coastal communities facing similar challenges.

Communites of interest that may be considered include:


  • Solomons, MD
  • Benedict, MD
  • Indian Head, MD
  • Chesapeake Beach, MD
  • North Beach, MD


Challenge: Participants will work in teams to develop a comprehensive marketing campaign that targets residents in coastal communities in Southern Maryland, including senior residents, low-income communities, and historically underrepresented populations. The campaign should focus on increasing awareness of government resources and services available to residents and encouraging them to take advantage of these resources. Participants should also consider how to build trust and engagement with the community, and how to make the information accessible and easy to understand.  




Guiding Questions


  • How can we effectively communicate the risks of sea level rise and the resources available to residents, in a way that is inclusive and equitable?


  • How can we build trust and engagement with the community to ensure that they have a voice in decision-making and access to resources to adapt to the changing environment due to sea level rise? 



User Details


  • The solution should clearly and effectively communicate the risks of sea level rise and the resources available to residents in Southern Maryland


  • The solution should be inclusive and equitable ensuring all residents have access to the resources and information they need. 


  • The solution should build trust and engagement with the community, ensuring that community members have a voice in decision-making and that their needs are taken into account.


  • The solution should be easy to understand and accessible to a wide range of residents, regardless of their level of understanding of sea level rise or government resources.


  • The solution should be feasible and realistic within the budget and resources available.




Submission Requirements


1. A comprehensive marketing campaign plan, including specific tactics, materials, and a budget.


2. A presentation of the campaign, including an explanation of the target audience, objectives, tactics, materials, and budget.




Scorecard Design